Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Essential Alternative Treatments for Natural Disaster Preparedness

With global warming comes more natural disasters. Those natural disasters can create serious health risks, such as the release of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant after it was damaged by a tidal wave. More likely are disasters such as hurricanes and floods, which leave disease festering in fetid waters long after the storm has passed. Alternative health remedies are essential to have on hand to combat disease and treat injury after disaster strikes.

Alternative Health Treatments to Have in Your Disaster Preparedness Kit

After a natural disaster strikes, your first job is to survive. To do that, you need to stave off disease and infection.

·       5% Lugols Iodine is an extremely effective antiseptic for external wounds. Use it to disinfect water and take internally to detoxify your body. Taking iodine helps protect your thyroid in case of a nuclear disaster, because if your body has sufficient iodine, the irradiated iodine cannot fix itself in your thyroid or cells. If you can only have one thing in your preparedness kit, this is it. Don't confuse Lugols Iodine with iodine tincture from your local pharmacy. Iodine tincture is made with ethanol and is toxic when taken internally. 

·       Garlic is one of the most potent antibiotics you can use. In WWII, the Germans used it when they couldn't get penicillin across enemy lines, earning it the name "battlefield penicillin." Liquid garlic is a concentrated, potent form that should be in any disaster kit. Garlic capsules are also convenient. If you have time beforehand to prepare, get as much fresh garlic as you can and add that to your kit.

·       Coconut Oil contains Lauric acid, which has antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antifungal properties. It can be used internally or externally. It is also an excellent source of energy, so taking it internally will give you some of the strength you need to get through the day.

·       Raw honey, especially Manuka honey, can be used as an antibiotic to treat sepsis when applied topically. It is also a good food source to provide energy.

·       Food grade diatomaceous earth is a blood and liver detoxifier and kills parasites in the intestines.

·       Calcium Bentonite clay is one of the most effective means of removing pathogens from the body. Packed into a wound, it draw toxins out. Taken internally, it binds to pathogens and toxins and carries them out through the intestines. You need to either dilute the clay 50/50 with water or take it with psyllium to prevent it from binding you.

Preparations Before Natural Disaster Strikes

Don't wait until an emergency to start using alternative health remedies. Start building up your body now by including these products into your everyday life. A healthy body is more able to withstand the extreme stress of the disaster aftermath. Study and learn as much as you can about which alternative remedies to use and how to build up your immunity. Those listed above are only a very few of the herbal and holistic remedies available. The more you know, the better your chance of survival.

While alternative remedies are wonderful to have in your preparedness kit, don't forget simple things like bleach, alcohol, peroxide and pain killers. When disaster strikes, it's often the old, familiar medicines that we turn to at first. 

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