Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Weapons of Defense
Monday, November 25, 2013
Solar Energy Can Save You in an Emergency
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Disasters can happen at anytime
- Disposable gloves
- Bandages
- Medical Tape
- Scissors
- Anti-bacterial ointment
- Tourniquet
- Aspirin
- Water—One gallon per person per day for at least three days
- Food—At least a three day supply of non-perishable food
- Battery powered or crank powered radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with extra batteries
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First Aid Kit
- Whistle
- Dust mask and duct tape
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and twist ties
- Wrench or pliers
- Can opener
- Local Map
- Blankets
- Three days worth of pet food
- Water
- Collar and leash
- Pet carrier (for small pets)
- First Aid Kit
- Plastic bags for picking up poop
- Jumper Cables
- Kitty litter (for traction)
- Hand Warmers
- Gloves, Hat, Jacket
- First Aid Kit
- Blankets
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Making Your Home Safe During a Disaster
- Barricade all the entry points into your home such as your windows, doors, and basement.
- Remove any outdoor objects that can be thrown at your home in order to gain entry (lawn furniture, rocks, etc).
- Consider replacing all of your exterior facing doors with rugged steel doors that have no windows.
- Install heavy duty dead bolt locks. At least 2 are recommended but the more the better.
- Camouflaged outdoor surveillance cameras will allow you see what is happening outside your house without putting yourself in danger.
- Keep a low profile and always keep your noise down. The sound of generators, chain saws, radios, farm animals, etc. can alert people that you (and supplies) are inside.
- Always keep multiple fire extinguishers in your home in the event of a fire inside your home.
- Build a safe room inside your room.
Emergency Supplies
Friday, November 22, 2013
Example of a Preparedness Report You Should Do of Your City/Area

51633 Coach Rd
La Pine, OR 97739
51615 Coach Rd
La Pine, OR 97739
16360 First Street
La Pine, OR 97739
201 Mountain View Drive
Gilchrist, OR 97737
56900 Enterprise Dr
Sunriver, OR 97707
City-wide view with potential immediate area emergency shelters and evacuation route:
Thursday, November 21, 2013
It is a big harsh world out there
Even though the majority agree that long term food storage is an essential part of guaranteeing a family's well-being in an emergency, lots acknowledge that they're not as ready as they need to be.
Getting ready for the long run by having an emergency food supply that sustains a 25 year shelf life will pay for itself in reassurance, when disaster strikes.
Advance planning is vital to long-term survival. Families should stock a complete disaster recovery kit, with medical supplies, provision for safe hygiene, emergency lamps and lights, and basic hand tools. Having said that, snug clothing, clean drinking water, and food items which are specifically for lasting food storage would be the primary of these items.
Every week, and quite often daily, you hear media reports talking about droughts, financial downturns, riots, job loss, act of terrorism, earthquakes, hurricanes, power failures, polluted food or water, and more.
Setting up a food storage system helps us discover how to prepare and make use of basic foods. Since lots of goods in a food storage only last a certain period of time you should rotate the food by using older items and changing those things with new ones. When we do this we can learn to use our food storage which in turn will prepare us to know how to use our food storage in the case of an emergency.
water water everywhere nor any drop to drink
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Preparing Yourself Mentally For a Natural Disaster
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Just How Secure is Your Home
Using Rain Barrels to Survive Droughts
Monday, November 18, 2013
Mulching for Free
Urban Gardening
When one thinks of gardens and gardening we don't think of city life. We think of grass, trees and nature. Gardens bring to mind the beauty of the country side. But, there are those people today that want to have a touch of nature in their homes even though they live in a metropolis like New York.
Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!
As a matter of fact a prepper or survivalist can be anyone who acquires skills for fighting the natural calamities or emergency conditions. The techniques they’ve learned help them overcome any catastrophe they will / might face in their life.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Survival: How to Plan for Family Safety
OK I first have to say that Kindle books are awesome. This book would be around 300 pages if you printed it out. That would cost you around $29.95 for the printed book, even if it was in paperback. This Kindle book is only $2.99, how much better can that get. And you can still return a Kindle book to Amazon just like a print book that stinks.
But here is how much better this gets. "Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Survival: How to Plan for Family Safety by William Cory" would be worth the $29.95 price in print or Kindle.
Mr. Cory goes into great detail describing the many types of disasters we face in everyday. He has a smooth writing style that keeps the reader engaged.
Here is the Amazon Description:
Food. Water. Shelter. Warmth. ... during Fires. Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Winter Storms. Earthquakes. ... depend upon Preparation. Protection. Planning.
AN INTRIGUING COMBINATION BOOK: The first 100 pages, many of them illustrated, tell you how to be ready, cheaply, to provide light and warmth, shelter, food, and water for your family. The last 165 pages, in the novel Neighbors, tell the story of a small group of homeowners, one of whom is a "prepper," and the rest are simply not ready for trouble. They all have trouble even though they aren't directly hit by weather disasters on both coasts.
But that's not all!
What disappears first from Supermarkets
Best barter Items and supplies
Twenty helpful tips from convicted burglars who know their business!
Looters? Schmooters! How to protect your home and family
Affordable ways to be ready without becoming a camo-clad survivalist.
And, the bonus novel, Neighbors, brings to life the value of having certain things available when shortages occur.
"Preparation" seems to have gotten a bad name, as if those of us who prepare are just a little bit strange. That's what my neighbors might have thought. But when power failures happen, and my house has lights and warmth, my neighbors no longer think I'm strange. I'm their best friend! Get your copy of this valuable book today and be ready for heavy weather this winter! And enjoy the story of a group of people who try to make it through some hard times, with the help of one neighbor who is a 'prepper.'
Larry's Review:
This book is very up-to-date as it was published in November 2013. As mentioned Mr. Cory has a smooth writing style that is easy to follow and hard to put down. The book is loaded with live links to the products that he describes and suggest for use. There are also a large number of picture showing these actual products. It took a couple of days to get all the way through the book because of the length and detail that Mr. Cory includes. When Mr. Cory presents a situation and describes how he would handle it, he also covers the same situation from other angles. This is a refreshing approach and gives the reader an honest overview of the situation. The author doesn't just say, "you need to store water." He gives you specific examples of his own water storage as well as alternative methods. Then how to make sure your water is pure, and if it isn't how to make it pure. List are given but they do not bog down the book. Instead they add to the message of the book in a way that pulls the reader in. This is certainly a great book on Disaster Preparedness that you can put to use immediately that will eliminate suffering by you and your family when the time comes when you have to use the information presented.
What is a Prepper?
There are a lot of fancy reality shows on television that show what a prepper is and what a prepper is not. A prepper is not simply a redneck with a shotgun and a supped up pick up truck or a millionaire that has designed an undergrowd fortification that he can survive in for a year. Although these could be preppers. A prepper is a doctor, a taxi driver, a lawyer, a teacher, a plant worker, the mayor who is prepared for the unexpected. Anyone can be a prepper, it can be you!
You need to be a prepper. You need to be prepared. When a disaster hits, when a catastrophe comes your way. You need to be prepared. You need to have a source and supply of water. You need to have a supply of food. You need to have shelter. You need to have protection. You need water first and foremost. Then you need food and shelter. You cannot depend on others. You cannot depend on government. You need a way to defend yourself and your family. The police may not be there. The National Guard may not be there. You must be prepared.
The disaster is so widespread there is no Red Cross to bring you meals. There are no shelters set up by the government. It is just you and your family. What are you going to do? This is why you must be a prepper. This is why you must be prepared. A prepper is probably not the people you see on television or the neighbor who always shows off all his guns to you everytime you visit.
A prepper has water and foot storage for when a catastrophe occurs. A lot of people have food storage but they don't have water storage. They assume water will always be available. They assume that if the water is available that it will be drinkable. What if the water is not there or what if the water is contaminated? They have shelter, they have plans for what happens if they are caught outside of their shelter or must venture outside of their shelter.
You must be prepared. Why would you not be prepared? If you know this is a possibility, why would not be prepared? We have insurance of all sorts to insure against the unexpected. Being prepared insures you and your family have the best chance to come through a disaster safely.
I've lived through a tornado, a flood and a hurricane. In each catastrophe I had to rely on the generosity of others. That is a helpless feeling. What if others are not there. What if others are there but in worse shape than you are. You cannot always run to the store. There will be people that get to the store before you do. A lot of times there will be so many people that get to the store before you do that the store shelves have been emptied.
What if fuel is not available to get to the store. You might have a nice automobile but if you don't have fuel for that car what good does it do you? If you don't have the ability to drive to the store. If that store is sold out of water and food by the time you get there. What do you do? You had better have been prepared and have those things in your home.
The same is true for protection. For self defense of yourself and your family. Your cell phone may not be working. And even if it were working there may not be anyone on the other end of 911. You need to be prepared for your own self defense and the self defense of your family. You must stock up on the weapons you will need including plenty of ammunition. And do not forget the weapons that do not require ammunition. If the disaster last long enough you may run out of ammunition, what will you do then? You need to be prepared for this as well in regards to self defense.
Just like the fuel that goes in you automobile, the ammunition you have will one day run out if the disaster last long enough and is wide spread. You must have methods of defense that do not require the need of ammunition or sources that can be used up.
In closing a prepper is someone who is prepared when a disaster or catastrophe hits. It could be nature, it could be man made. The cause of the disaster is not important. If you need food and water you will not worry about what caused the situation. What is important is you will need water, foot, shelter and protection.
Don't be afraid. Be prepared! Be a Prepper!