Monday, November 18, 2013

Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared!

A prepper is a person who has a firm belief that one can overcome even the toughest of situations with bravery and vigor. Determination and focus is needed to overcome harsh unexpected conditions. Preppers are the people who believe that sacrificing today for tomorrow is better than repenting upon it later. For this purpose there are certain essentials to be kept in mind while doing preparations and this blog is designed to help you out in this case.

Survivalism is a movement of individuals or groups referred to as survivalists or preppers, who prepare themselves for emergency conditions, be it natural, local or international. Survivalists are often well-trained medically and are able to defend themselves when needed. Other important survival tricks are also taught that helps them to survive in calamity.

It does not matter what you are preparing for, but a disaster preparedness kit and checklist must be kept handy as this provides a better chance for survival. One of the first things to do is to prepare yourself and your loved ones to be self-sufficient. Keeping all the major disastrous conditions under consideration, some suggestions are listed below which a prepper’s checklist must include:

·         Water:
 Storage of one gallon per person per day is suggested for drinking and cooking purposes.
·         Food:

Non-perishable foods e.g. white rice, beans, white sugar, salt, wheat flour, olive oil, canned fruits, meat and vegetables, powdered milk, vitamins and supplements, are to be kept on hand that are enough for at least three days to one week. For small babies, diapers, baby food, medications, ointments, bottles and nipples are advised to be kept.

·         Defensive weapons:
Primary defensive weapons are also essential.

·         Emergency supplies:

It is advised to keep supplies like LED flashlight, extra batteries and bulb along with match-boxes and lighters.

·         Bug out Bag Kit Contents:
A kit is mandatory to be kept which must include the following:
o   Plates, cups, utensils
o   Survival manual
o   Candles or lanterns
o   First-Aid kit
o   Vitamin supplements
o   Can opener and aluminium foil
o   Survival knife
o   Garbage bags
o   Important documents and a fairly large amount of cash
o   Tent and sleeping bag
o   Seasonal clothes
o   Multi-Tool kit
o   Water sanitation tablets
o   Plastic bags
o   Plastic sheeting and rope
o   Local map and signaling device
o   Personal hygiene items and feminine supplies
o   Soaps and detergents
o   Pain relievers and anti-diarrhea pills
o   Extra pair of shoes, socks and gloves

Important documents include phone number, address, birth certificates, passport, identity card, credit card and account numbers, drivers licenses, insurance policies and savings like bonds.
When it comes to self-defense, preppers are trained well. Techniques to use the basic weapons for survival are taught. Self-defense training includes practices like basic knife fighting, using pistols and slingshots. Self defense involves much more than just techniques. It is taught to understand the nature of stress and how a body reacts to it i.e. situational awareness.

As a matter of fact a prepper or survivalist can be anyone who acquires skills for fighting the natural calamities or emergency conditions. The techniques they’ve learned help them overcome any catastrophe they will / might face in their life. 

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