Friday, November 15, 2013

Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Survival: How to Plan for Family Safety

OK I first have to say that Kindle books are awesome. This book would be around 300 pages if you printed it out. That would cost you around $29.95 for the printed book, even if it was in paperback. This Kindle book is only $2.99, how much better can that get. And you can still return a Kindle book to Amazon just like a print book that stinks.

But here is how much better this gets. "Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Survival: How to Plan for Family Safety by William Cory" would be worth the $29.95 price in print or Kindle.

Mr. Cory goes into great detail describing the many types of disasters we face in everyday. He has a smooth writing style that keeps the reader engaged.

Here is the Amazon Description:


Food. Water. Shelter. Warmth. ... during Fires. Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Winter Storms. Earthquakes. ... depend upon Preparation. Protection. Planning.

AN INTRIGUING COMBINATION BOOK: The first 100 pages, many of them illustrated, tell you how to be ready, cheaply, to provide light and warmth, shelter, food, and water for your family. The last 165 pages, in the novel Neighbors, tell the story of a small group of homeowners, one of whom is a "prepper," and the rest are simply not ready for trouble. They all have trouble even though they aren't directly hit by weather disasters on both coasts.

But that's not all!

What disappears first from Supermarkets
Best barter Items and supplies
Twenty helpful tips from convicted burglars who know their business!
Looters? Schmooters! How to protect your home and family
Affordable ways to be ready without becoming a camo-clad survivalist.

And, the bonus novel, Neighbors, brings to life the value of having certain things available when shortages occur.

"Preparation" seems to have gotten a bad name, as if those of us who prepare are just a little bit strange. That's what my neighbors might have thought. But when power failures happen, and my house has lights and warmth, my neighbors no longer think I'm strange. I'm their best friend! Get your copy of this valuable book today and be ready for heavy weather this winter! And enjoy the story of a group of people who try to make it through some hard times, with the help of one neighbor who is a 'prepper.'

Larry's Review:

This book is very up-to-date as it was published in November 2013. As mentioned Mr. Cory has a smooth writing style that is easy to follow and hard to put down. The book is loaded with live links to the products that he describes and suggest for use. There are also a large number of picture showing these actual products. It took a couple of days to get all the way through the book because of the length and detail that Mr. Cory includes. When Mr. Cory presents a situation and describes how he would handle it, he also covers the same situation from other angles. This is a refreshing approach and gives the reader an honest overview of the situation. The author doesn't just say, "you need to store water." He gives you specific examples of his own water storage as well as alternative methods. Then how to make sure your water is pure, and if it isn't how to make it pure. List are given but they do not bog down the book. Instead they add to the message of the book in a way that pulls the reader in. This is certainly a great book on Disaster Preparedness that you can put to use immediately that will eliminate suffering by you and your family when the time comes when you have to use the information presented.

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